by Kostas Paloukis,
phd student in University of Crete
Workers of all lands unite?
Working class internationalism
and nationalism until 1945, Nottingham University, 7/3/2015
My paper will present the views of archeiomarxism, a Greek Trotskyist interwar organization, on the Greek Revolution of 1821 and, therefore, about the Greek nation. Archeiomarxism was a particular greek communist current. This appeared in the early 1920s and had a parallel life with the socialist party (SEKE) which was founded in 1918 and it was renamed as the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) in 1924. Until 1926 archeiomarxism was mainly giving emphasis to the communist enlightenment of the workers, when it turned to the trade union action. It had great influence mainly to artisan workers strata (shoemakers,bakers, pastry makers) and less to industrial workers (workers in the mills, weavers). In 1930, the archeiomarxist organization was connected to the International Left Opposition of Lev Trotsky and it adopted the name KOMLEA (Communist Organization of Bolshevik Leninist-Archeiomarxists of Greece). Then KOMLEA reached 1000 members and in 1933 2,300, when the Communist Party had 1,500 members in 1930 and 4,500 members in 1933 respectively. In 1934, the organization split into two parts, the “original trotskyists” and the “original archeiomarxists”, but essentially the current was dissolved. A small group continued to exist, but with much less influence. The archeiomarxists’ principles were descended from greek guild unionism and greek radicals of the 19th century impregnated in the Russian Bolshevikism.
All the Greek socialist groups in the 19th century and the first 20 years of the 20th century, as well as the labour unions, even the most radical, were using a language with roots in Jacobinism when discussing the Greek national question. The liberation of the Greek nation from the Ottoman Empire was considered part of a great revolutionary plan that would lead to a "popular democracy" or else to socialism. Until 1919, the Socialist Party (SEKE) and the first socialist members developed similar views. This changed during the period of the military expedition of Greece in Asia (έιζζια) Minor after the end of the First World War. The influence of internationalist ideas of Russian bolchevikism was widened because of the activity of Communist soldiers on the front and of the appearance at the same time of a purely anti-war trend in the socialist party, but mainly because of the large catastrophic defeat in Asia Minor. Young Communists in the front and in Greece chose to adopt the anti-war "defeatist" Bolshevik slogans breaking all relations with the previous "patriotic" tradition. Even more, the Bolshevik texts about national liberation movements were not translated, nor did they ever interest the Greek interwar third-internationalists. Therefore, the question of national liberation and general patriotism were longer considered to be reactionary and nationalist slogans and generally these were expelled from the communist rhetoric. This period will last for the Communist Party almost until 1934.
The dominant approach in the Greek interwar communist movement on the national issue was written by John Kordatos in the book The Social Meaning of the Greek Revolution of 1821 (first edition, 1924). Describing the revolution as national defense and bourgeois democratic revolution against Ottoman feudalism, Kordatos follows the example of Marx and Engels, who "hailed the victory of the bourgeois world on feudalism." Αccording to this perspective the archeiomarxists incorporated the Greek Revolution in their revolutionary project. In March and April 1931 a series of unsigned articles entitled "The Greek Revolution of 1821" were published in the KOMLEA’s newspaper Class Struggle. The absence of signature usually indicated that it is the official view of KOMLEA. After putting the scientific evaluation of sources and documentation of events as the first issue, the writer emphasized that the scientific method mainly concerns the "etiology", that is the "finding of the real causes that led to the outbreak," as the second fundamental issue.
The dominant approach in the Greek interwar communist movement on the national issue was written by John Kordatos in the book The Social Meaning of the Greek Revolution of 1821 (first edition, 1924). Describing the revolution as national defense and bourgeois democratic revolution against Ottoman feudalism, Kordatos follows the example of Marx and Engels, who "hailed the victory of the bourgeois world on feudalism." Αccording to this perspective the archeiomarxists incorporated the Greek Revolution in their revolutionary project. In March and April 1931 a series of unsigned articles entitled "The Greek Revolution of 1821" were published in the KOMLEA’s newspaper Class Struggle. The absence of signature usually indicated that it is the official view of KOMLEA. After putting the scientific evaluation of sources and documentation of events as the first issue, the writer emphasized that the scientific method mainly concerns the "etiology", that is the "finding of the real causes that led to the outbreak," as the second fundamental issue.
The writer stating emphatically that he approaches the subject through historical materialism and by constant references to Engels emphasized that the materialist approach to national issues is more objective than the bourgeois’ approach. The "bourgeois historiography" considered "patriotism", the "faith in religion" and "preservation of national traditions" as causes of revolution. Conversely, those who wrote under the "materialist conception of history" sought the cause of the revolutionary idea in economic conditions, without excluding but interpreting ideological factors.Certainly, the author notes that the "true meaning of the method of historical materialism" does not deny the contribution of "ideological forces in the progress of history" but demonstrates their dependency on " the conditions of material life" and features as "stupidity behemoths dimensional" to try to explain the “heroism and selflessness " only through the " economic factor". In other words, the Arheiomarxist theorist advocated a kind of "relative autonomy" of "ideological factors" in connection with "material conditions" but always in the final analysis the latter would give birth to the former. That is exactly why the communist science is able to emphasize the positive sides and report the "dark sides of our national history," unlike bourgeois historiography which is attempting to justify everything.
What is worth noting is that the Archeiomarxists perceive the existence of a single national history in which the working class has position and that historical materialism can help the working class to draw from the revolution "useful lessons for the successful direction of current struggles". Namely, the archeiomarxists attempted to appropriate and integrate the revolution of 1821 in their revolutionary project, discourse and narration.Therefore, the Archeiomarxist Organization recognized the national liberation character of the revolution, after the revolution "gave the freedom to the Greeks”. He directly links the Greek Revolution with the French Revolution and present it as a conflict of the bourgeoisie with feudalism and he does not agree that the Orthodox clergy and Greek notables participated in the Greek revolution.
What is worth noting is that the Archeiomarxists perceive the existence of a single national history in which the working class has position and that historical materialism can help the working class to draw from the revolution "useful lessons for the successful direction of current struggles". Namely, the archeiomarxists attempted to appropriate and integrate the revolution of 1821 in their revolutionary project, discourse and narration.Therefore, the Archeiomarxist Organization recognized the national liberation character of the revolution, after the revolution "gave the freedom to the Greeks”. He directly links the Greek Revolution with the French Revolution and present it as a conflict of the bourgeoisie with feudalism and he does not agree that the Orthodox clergy and Greek notables participated in the Greek revolution.
According to the author, the objective conditions are not sufficient to ensure the success of a revolution, but needs extra proper guidance of the revolutionary forces of a strong and compact organization, consisting of ideological elements and dedicated to it, to have full and clear vision of the purpose, methods and sacrifices. Based on these criteria, he over-emphasizes and praises the leading role of the Friendly Society, a secret revolutionary national company in the early 19th century, considering its own role decisive for the achievement of victory, and makes special mention of the design and promotion of the myth of the "invisible Authority", that a great leader was hiding behind the leadership of the Friendly Society, as the projection of the myth about Russian support to the Greek enslaved.
Referring briefly to the 100 years that followed the establishment of the Greek state, the author argues that in various phases of Greek history, in particular the movement of Goudi in 1909, when Eleftherios Venizelos undertook the government and the Liberal Party was founded, and the establishment of parliamentary republic democracy in 1924, the Greek bourgeoisie fully seized the power. But democracy has not benefited the working class, as well as freedom of the bourgeoisie now has a different meaning and means "freedom" to exploit workers.Therefore, a new proletarian revolution is now necessary based both on international experience and on the Greek tradition.
Indeed, the Friendly Society was presented by archeiomarxist thought as a Greek historical model of equal value with the Bolshevik Party of Lenin. Specifically, the Friendly Society was described in such a way as to match the archeiomarxist perception, practice and culture of revolutionary organizations.Namely, the archeiomarxists felt that they themselves were the contemporary Friendly Society. And they were not very unfair. The archeiomarxist organization until 1930, namely until the connection with the International Left Opposition when it adopted the leninist form, looked more like a secret revolutionary society of the 19th century such as the Carbonari rather than like a modern Bolshevik Party.
Indeed, the archeiomarxists were often accused by their opponents of that. The fact was that the archeiomarxist organization was secret, the hierarchy based on education and democratic processes did not exist, nobody elected the leadership, the leader Dimitris Yotopoulos, who was called The Work, cultivated a myth about himself and never appeared in public like an invisible Authority.
Indeed, the Friendly Society was presented by archeiomarxist thought as a Greek historical model of equal value with the Bolshevik Party of Lenin. Specifically, the Friendly Society was described in such a way as to match the archeiomarxist perception, practice and culture of revolutionary organizations.Namely, the archeiomarxists felt that they themselves were the contemporary Friendly Society. And they were not very unfair. The archeiomarxist organization until 1930, namely until the connection with the International Left Opposition when it adopted the leninist form, looked more like a secret revolutionary society of the 19th century such as the Carbonari rather than like a modern Bolshevik Party.
Indeed, the archeiomarxists were often accused by their opponents of that. The fact was that the archeiomarxist organization was secret, the hierarchy based on education and democratic processes did not exist, nobody elected the leadership, the leader Dimitris Yotopoulos, who was called The Work, cultivated a myth about himself and never appeared in public like an invisible Authority.
The approach of archeiomarxists was thus based on the classical Marxian analysis of "bourgeois revolutions" according to which during the ancien regime, the bourgeoisie seeking the power had a progressive and revolutionary character. Namely, a national liberation and bourgeois-democratic stage was a necessary historical process which was completed bringing new needs and spearhead. The "national freedom" which was previously considered progressive and revolutionary, it is now considered reactionary.National freedom is not now a freedom in favor of the working class interests, but a freedom of the bourgeoisie against the working class, as if it appears that the revolution of 1821 was incomplete as it did not bring the desired freedom to all. But the working class continues this fight grasping the thread of the Greek national traditions disputing nationalism.So the archeiomarxists recognized the national liberation revolutionary tradition of the Greek nation and recognized that the working class was part of the Greek nation without this view being incompatible with the stated internationalism.Instead,they transform and adapt this tradition in a completely different reading frame in the policy context.This view allows the archeiomarxists to support national liberation demands in modern cases either these involving other countries or relating to Greek movements, such as the Cyprus issue was ,which was re-surfacing in 1931.
Different in some important points was the view of the Communist Party about the revolution of 1821, as it can be seen from an article in 1932 with the signature "K" below which Nikos Zachariades, the party secretary, was usually hiding.In this principle, the ancient Greek world was separated from the contemporary "Romain" people by adopting the ethnological approach of “demoticists”.The “Demoticists” were liberal intellectuals who supported the use of everyday language and not the ancient language like this happened in Greece until 1974.They also rejected the name greek and they adopted the term “romain” for the greek people. So the communist leader supported that the romaian bourgeois vanguard founded the Friendly Society following the example of the Carbonari and prepared ideollogicaly the revolution and the national movement in 1821. He highlights as positive elements of the Friendly Society the terrorizing means which it used against the traitors and renegades and the successful slogans which were promoted to the farmers.However, when the revolution prevailed, the romaian bourgeoisie capitulated to the landowners and the Patriarchate and it adopted the Great Idea. The Great Idea was the vision of the expansion of the contemporary Greek state to the boundaries of the Byzantine Empire.With the victory of the 1821 revolution, the Greek working people did not win their freedom, but they found a replacement in the whip.Therefore, the anniversary of the 1821 is a celebration of the bourgeoisie in order to make working people fall asleep. Instead, "the eternal enemy of the bourgeoisie is not now the Bulgarians and Turks, but the Greek proletariat and peasants and workers of the Soviet Union." Thus, the message of the anniversary of 1821 is hostile towards the interests of the working class.
However, four years later both the Communist Party and the archeiomarxist organization will see inversely the anniversary of 1821. The first having adopted the popular democratic patriotism incorporated the revolution of 1821, while the latter wanted to take some distance from the patriotic turn of the Communist Party argues that true Communists have nothing in common with the heroes of 1821, but they have the obligation to fight against the ideas for which the heroes sacrificed themselves because these ideas are now rotten.
To conclude it is worth while to understand the basis of the archeiomarxist approach.According to EP Thompson the widespread idea of the "free-born Englishman" contributed significantly to the political radicalization and therefore towards the formation of the English working class.In my view the Greek revolution, the concept of national freedom, but also perhaps even the “Great Idea” had in the Greek case a corresponding role.The systematic violation of the freedom of workers in the workplace, workers' rights and of labor legislation, the cruel repression of strikes, the undermining of the ideal of social and labor mobility as an individual path to productive independence of artisans, the recurring military coups, anti-communist and anti-labor legislation, exile, imprisonment and torture of activists of the labor movement in conjunction with the bankruptcy of the Great Idea after the catastrophe in Asia Minor in 1922 led the radicalized working class to the reconceptualization of the concept of individual and national freedom.The workers who were taught at school and church to believe that they themselves were free citizens in a free national state realized that this did not happen. This national freedom did not concern them, but the bourgeoisie. The archeiomarxists thus representing a large part of radicalized employed artisans did not throw away the struggles for national liberation but adapted the message of liberation to contemporary visions of the working class.
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