Kostas Paloukis, University Of Crete
First Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN),
15/12/2015, Torino
My research focuses on the relation between the refugee neighbourhood Peristeri and the Lanaras factory in the process of the radicalization and the making of a new industrial working class in interwar period. The main argument is that the appearance of the plant in area causes the proletarianization of the population. The process of modernization disrupts the intergenerational and gender relations of residents and radicalizes the younger generation. Radicalisation takes place outside the factory and has both cultural and political dimensions. Gradually in interwar period and more strongly during the occupation period of Nazis, the political radicalization crosses the plant and dominates there. This fact completes the process of setting up a discrete class pole in the western neighborhoods of Athens against the bourgeois center.
In 1925 immigrants are “thrown away” to a remote area of Athens, a dumping ground at Peristeri. They mostly live in slums. The well-made houses are just too few. Greek refugees from Pontus (Black Sea), Asia Minor and Istanbul, some Armenians, and people expelled from Bulgaria and Eastern Thrace according to the population exchange treaties were the new residents of Peristeri. As of 1928 the registered Peristeri residents had already gone up to 7.628. Circa 1936 they are estimated to be about 22 to 24 thousand. Poverty is predominant in the settlement. Especially in 1931, the year when the world economic depression started hitting Greece hard, there were many cases of fainting, even deaths out of hunger. Given the nonexistent infrastructures the dire hygiene and living conditions made life in the slums extremely harsh.
Most Peristeri refugees would seek jobs in Athens. They belong to the numerically vast category of unskilled labour, the mass of seasonal or self-employed working force that runs up to approximately 400,000, whereas the industrial working class is estimated at around 180,000. The core of industrial growth after 1929 crash is now formed by the wool processing and textile manufacturing industries. The overly cheap-priced labour force had been a significantly favourable condition for the sector’s expansion, since it was exploiting women’s labour force in particular. These prospects of industrial growth drew Lanaras Brothers and Kirtsis, industrialists from Naousa (a town in Macedonia) to Peristeri, where a mass women’s labour force existed. There, they would build the first textile factory of the region and one of the biggest in the Balkans.
So in 1933 a massive, ultra-modern industrial plant is build up in a minimum amount of time near Peristeri occupying 35,000 cubits. It consists of two enormous, up-to-date by the standards of the epoch, buildings equipped with cutting-edge machinery (30-metre washing machines, spinning and weaving machines, dye baths, ironers) and huge volume of raw materials. In 1934 it employs under non-stop intensive operation 600 workers, men and women, all of them living in the neighbouring region, while the augmentation of the factory with new machinery will raise the number of workers to 2,500 towards the end of the decade. The enormous working rooms were heated by radiators, while the hygiene conditions were exceptionally high. The factory mostly produces wool fabrics of high quality having a competitive edge over many other factories operating in the Eastern Mediterranean. Hence, the founding of the factory is a milestone for Peristeri inasmuch as there is no family that remains unaffected. The popular strata of Peristeri undergo a process of “proletarianization” since a very large sector of male and female refugee population, mostly young in age, becomes a new working class, different from the former semi-proletarian mass. They enjoy better living conditions due to stable jobs and relatively higher income, something that will greatly challenge the traditional gender and patriarchal hierarchical relations in the community.
My research focuses on the relation between the refugee neighbourhood and the factory in the process of the radicalization and the making of a new industrial working class. Stathis Damianakos describes “popular suburb” as a key factor in the formation of popular culture in the industrial societies, having a special identity that sets it apart from the suburbs of middle or upper classes. It makes “the man on the street” a distinct type, distinguished from middle class or bourgeois types. Neighbourhood forms a public space into which values, mores, norms of coexistence, modes of entertainment, gender and age roles are being shaped, defines the collective memory, the cultural and professional identity, the political and class consciousness. It is a mechanism-network of solidarity, collective management of the poverty, of hardships and any kind of problems.
It is the neighbourhood that formed the codes and norms of functioning that community obeys. Following them is considered an honourable behaviour, overstepping them a dishonourable one that would marginalize the wrongdoers. In this way, neighbourhood creates strong bonds and powerful sentiments. Honour, as Efi Avdela writes, means recognition of a person’s merit in their own eyes, but, above all, in the eyes of the others. The identification of a person with their family, the familial dimension of honour and esteem, the direct influence of one family member’s behaviour on other members’ public merit, render all family accountable for the deeds of each and every member of it. Alcoholism, male exhibitionism and boasting are considered honourable whereas failing in these domains is a “disgrace”. Further to that, a male family member would experience the dishonourable attitude of a female one as traumatic. It is the shame that would lead him to catharsis, i.e. to what Efi Avdela defines as “intimate violence”, that is the violence in private, personal and family affairs. (Avdela, 113, 125)
Neighbourhood operating as common opinion directly or indirectly influences the private affairs in a decisive manner, strictly setting the gender roles, the place of women at home, in politics and in the sexual life. Thus, it violates and suppresses the individuality, mainly of young people, and, most of all, of young women. The working girls in the factory are now capable to enjoy better and steadier income than the male members of their families or the older generations of underemployed men in spite of an internal labour division in the factory that still favours male labour. Yet, this development seemingly provokes intrafamilial conflicts insofar as the younger generation and the young women in particular gain or demand greater autonomy bringing turmoil in the traditional gender hierarchies. For example, we read in a report of an Athenian newspaper that a male painter worker attempted to kill his sister because “he suspected that Maria had a lover and that she even met with him after her departure from the Lanaras textile factory” (Eleftheron Vima, 09/06/1935). The freedom of movement between home and factory allowed this young woman to have a secret relation causing the violent reaction of her brother who exercised one of the most precarious professions.
The people of neighbourhood in Peristeri are those same people that work together in the same factory, have a common course in life, a common fate and common enemies. The linkage between the factory and the neighbourhood can be clearly seen in the fact that every morning the workers and especially the women would start all together from Peristeri and would go back all together in the afternoon. More specifically, the Peristeri woman (Peristeriotisa) is at the same time the “Lanaras woman” (Lanariotisa). The rebetiko music composer Panagiotis Tountas wrote even a characteristic song initially titled “A young girl from Peristeri” that became known simply as “The Lanaras Woman”. The singer Rosa Eskenazi would perform the song for a first time in 1939. The lyrics go like this: “A young one from Peristeri / In the Lanaras (Factory) works/ She works at the weaving machine all day / And comes back to me in the evening / She puts some powder and wears lipstick / And comes to meet me/ We go to the tavern / And start drinking/ When the young one becomes tipsy/ cries to me “Oh, mother!”/ My mind is spinning like a loom”/ Then we leave for home/ and on the road she attracts me like a magnet to her bosom and gives me her kisses / In the morning, mad like a wet hen, she sets out for the Lanaras factory to weave at her loom...” In this song the “Lanaras woman” may be presented with some trivial motifs of sexist prejudice about her putting on make-up and paying attention to her appearance, nevertheless she is not belittled but she is rather shown in a more sympathetic light as a working woman struggling to live her own life against her tiring and overlong job at the factory. The song suggests a new way of depicting the sexuality of a “plain” but independent woman belonging to the working class (Rizospastis, 30/8/2009). This dynamic type of woman is far from being a woman-victim. The rebetiko song gives expression to the sorrows of both the working man and the independent woman, who despite being physically exhausted remain “nice people” all the same. The world of the “lowly sleazy tavern” adds to this representation of popular culture with its gendered images and its stigmatizing of the ordinary folk from Peristeri ‘s neighbourhoods.
Alongside the world of taverns, the dances and fetes in the dancing “schools”, like the dancing school named “Bijou”, form the heart of the cultural expression and collective communication of boys and girls. Here, the neighbourhood’s youth is consolidated as a subject and acquaint themselves with the modern western music and mores. The manifestation of this culture at its peak is the time of “Apokries” (Carnival period). Eli Gavatidou, a woman from Peristeri, gives an account of her own affirmative version of that ordinary women’s sexuality: “Only if you could be there during Carnival time, you wouldn’t find a single woman not masqueraded. We women were dressed in pretty clothes, putting on high heels, thin like nails in the tips and, because we were afraid of cracking them, while walking, we were walking by swaying our hips and so a woman had that ‘feminine’ way of walking .” (Theodosiou, 2000, 145-7)
The everyday “intimate” violence is so frequent and the passions are so intense in Peristeri that “Athenian News” comes to publish a satirical poem titled “Peristeri” which argues that “the settlement of Peristeri should change its name to Settlement of Hyena or any other dreadful female”. The poem, in fact, demonstrates the split between the bourgeois milieu of Athens and the ordinary people of Peristeri. This is the way the bourgeois of Athens regarded the marginalized world of Peristeri. Nonetheless, it’s not only Athenian News that sees Peristeri as something special: the residents of Peristeri themselves define their world as different. They are the “western side” of the city, that means the “settlements of ordinary people”, the place where the “the poor breadwinners of the popular classes” reside, the underprivileged as opposed to city’s “eastern side”. In my view, the presence of Lanaras factory is a catalyst for the transformation of popular culture in the suburb and, at the same time, for the radicalization of the new working class. The question is to what extent this radicalization, evident in the private affairs and popular culture, obtained a certain political and collective content.
Up until the early 1930s, the Communist Left is almost absent in the neighbourhoods of Peristeri. The majority of refugees through the traditional chauvinistic and highly hierarchical “patron-client” relationships were joining the party network of the Liberals lead by Eleftherios Venizelos. The rise and increasing intervention of KKE illustrates a new kind of political radicalization that comes to clash with the traditional hierarchies and ideological “constants” of the refugees. This radicalization is signified by the new generation of refugees reaching maturity in the 1930s and it is principally linked to the need of the refugees for overcoming the dire living conditions in the neighbourhood. People’s assemblies and struggle committees are summoned for dealing with immediate matters, as a rule after events of disaster, and refugee unions are founded putting forward the demands of the residents in a collective militant manner and forging a new kind of consciousness. Communist Youth’s action is intensified and all party events are taking place at Bijou dancing club, that is, at the place of youth’s socializing and entertainment. The Akropolis newspaper in an article sneers at the Peristeri residents’ habit of forming associations as a negative symptom. Not only young men but also young women are involved in this activity. In another newspaper piece, we read that a young woman from Peristeri ran away from her family when she clashed with her father over her decision to join a communist organization (Athenian News, 19/8/1932). Therefore, this action brings about a series of new gender, generational, political and ideological rifts.
However, this radicalization does not concern the unionist activity of the workers inside the factory. The question now is to what extent this action arises from or is connected with the presence of the factory. The management had kept a pro-worker paternalist profile promising progress and improvement of the living conditions for the residents of the area upon the arrival of the factory. Initially the Lanaras family is identified with the Liberal Party of Venizelos though later on, during the Metaxas dictatorship, members of the family turn up as supporters of the regime. Nevertheless, the workers soon enough realized that the work in the factory and the income from that are way too far from the promises or came across new problems that go together with the modern proletariat. Galateia Kazantzaki in her inquiry for Elefthera Gnomi newspaper reveals the appalling working conditions inside the textile factory, while Rizospastis , the official organ of the Communist Party, often publishes reports from the factory. The intensive system of shift work, the strict plans, the non-implementation of the 8hr working day and the keeping of the exhausting 10hr day, the high temperatures of 50 to 65 Celcius degrees at the furnaces, the firm discipline and coercion exhausted the workers physically and were the cause of constant accidents and injuries, since dozens of workers cut their fingers at the machines. The management did not provide any sort of treatment and compensation. Meanwhile, the inability of quick adaptation to the machinelike discipline or even a break for cigarette meant hefty fines that were cumulatively leading to heavy cuts on workers’ wages. The protests by the Athens Centre of Labour and the workers themselves are adequate indications of the life in the factory as a hellish sweatshop. The reactions of indignation at the attitude of foremen, section principals and supervising engineers were particularly strong.
Still, there had been no factory union until 1936, no matter if Communist Party members were active as it is suggested by Rizospastis articles. This activity remains secret and underground. As it can be seen in the newspaper, Communist Party members tried to gain influence over the workers by targeting the management. The party newspaper hosted relatively often reports from incidents within the plant and party factory cells are gradually built. These appear to operate underground during Metaxas dictatorship. The great turning point comes at the time of Nazi Occupation when the entire region is identified with EAM’s rebellion. Towards the end of the Occupation and in the period of liberation, workers occupy the factory and operate it under their control. During Dekemvriana (December events), the great civil confrontation of 1944, Peristeri becomes a field of bloody battle.
Pamela E. Swett in her book Neighbors and enemies: the culture of radicalism in Berlin, 1929-1933 chronicles the way the world of Kreuzberg emerges as an antagonistic cultural and political pole within the city of Berlin. At Kreuzberg the individual radicalism of the beer hall is transformed into political radicalism creating a unitary radical cultural identity. Swett regards this sort of radicalization as a prerequisite of the political radicalization at Kreuzberg. More specifically, the modernist communist ideas reinforce the liberating tendencies of the women and the youth in a comparable condition of intrafamilial crisis and generation gap which, as she notes, shake up Berlin of the Great Depression. For the writer, the political radicalization was primarily a local response to the erosion of cultural norms and power structures. Thus, violence as a local strategy evolved into a permissible instrument for social change. In my opinion, there are many parallels in the case of Peristeri. The factory is a crucial factor of modernization and, therefore, of intrageneretional conflict causing phenomena of heightened intimate violence. However. this modernist radical challenge becomes increasingly painted in political and ideological colours, inasmuch as the individual rebellion becomes social, identifies itself with emancipatory visions and emerges through violent practices. Pamela Swett eventually finds an inseparable link between Kreuzberg pubs and the conflictual character of the region. Well something similar happens in the surroundings of tavern and banquet, amidst rebetiko culture and predominantly by the modern character of the youth entertain themselves at dancing clubs. This political orientation cannot be expressed by trade-unionist means in the ‘30s but will define the developments inside the factory in the ‘40s.
Pamela Swett in her book Neighbors and enemies: the culture of radicalism in Berlin, 1929-1933 chronicles the way the world of Kreuzberg emerges as an antagonistic cultural and political pole within the city of Berlin. At Kreuzberg the individual radicalism of the beer hall is transformed into political radicalism creating a unitary radical cultural identity. For the writer, the political radicalization was primarily a local response to the erosion of cultural norms and power structures. In my opinion, there are many parallels in the case of Peristeri. The factory of Lanara is a crucial factor of modernization and, therefore, of intrageneretional conflict causing phenomena of heightened intimate violence. However, this modernist radical challenge becomes increasingly painted in political and ideological colours, inasmuch as the individual rebellion becomes social, identifies itself with emancipating visions and emerges through violent practices. Pamela Swett eventually finds an inseparable link between Kreuzberg pubs and the conflictual character of the region. Well something similar happens in the surroundings of tavern and banquet, amidst rebetiko culture and predominantly by the modern character of the youth entertain themselves at dancing clubs. This political orientation cannot be expressed by trade-unionist means in the ‘30s, it is still an under-current, but it will define the developments inside the factory in the ‘40s,when political conditions allow such a situation. Τhen, the workers' world of Peristeri will clash with arms against the bourgeoisie of the Athenian center.